Thursday, March 29, 2012

How To Fuxwit Half A Billi (Play the Lotto)

Top 10 Things To Do With A Half Billion Buck$.

10.  Buy the majority stake in the New Orleans Hornets and rename them the Jazz... when the mormons freak out and get all up in your business dont worry, mormons dont even like jazz...

9. Buy 2 billion Mcdonalds chicken nuggets (or 2.5 billion Wendy's chicken nuggets those are straight fire) and feed a 3rd world country, preferably the Congo... we need more Ibaka's

8. Hit up Richard Branson and take you and 4 friends to space... 500 times

7. Buy an army of mercenaries and take over Fiji.  Own the 50 year storm brah!

I wish I had 500 mil...

6. Team up with George Lucas and buy the island of Vanuatu (990 mil).  You know you dont have to always invade a place to take it over...

5.  Hire John C. Reilly and Will Ferrel for your personal entertainment... think prestige worldwide and Nascar...

4. Buy this house...

The Hamptons ($170 million)

and this house...
The manor in LA ($150 million)

and this to fly you in between
V-22 Osprey ($122 million)
and have $58 million to spare...

3. Become Batman...

2. Take your army from Vanuatu or Fiji and invade Canada... trust me you will probably win

1.  Burn it


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